Podcast Signals for Life

Dec 3, 2022

Fabian Kießling from University Hospital Aachen and Georg Schmitz from RUB together explain molecular imaging and superresolution ultrasound imaging in the VDE podcast Signals for Life.

VDE DGBMT presents the podcast series “Signals for Life” in which medical professionals and engineers discuss the status and future of a current topic related to biosignals in 2 episodes each.

In episodes 15 and 16 our research on superresolution ultrasound and molecular imaging  performed in cooperation with the ExMi group of Fabian Kiessling from University hospital Aachen is explained.

Link to Episode 15: “Molecular and Superresolution Ultrasound: Pioniere auf ihrem Gebiet”

Link to Episode 16: “Molecular and Superresolution Ultrasound: Das Wettrennen um das bessere Verfahren”

Link to the podcast series Signal for Life


VDE is the German Association of Electrical Engineers. The German Society for Biomedical Engineering in the VDE (DGBMT) is one of its technical societies and is with more than 2,600 members the largest scientific technical society of medical technology in Germany. DGBMT promotes development of medical technology in Germany in a non-profit manner.


Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging, RWTH Aachen

Fabian Kießling heads the Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging at the University Hospital of RWTH Aachen. Several of our projects are in collaboration with his group.

Visit the Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging at RWTH Aachen